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Career Dreams

Feb 28, 2023

We often hear the phrase, Leaders aren't born, they're made, but what about learners? Michelle and Chase break down the idea of learning how to learn in this episode. By organizing your goals, thinking about your thinking, and reflecting on your learning - you can learn how to maximize your...

Feb 21, 2023

Michelle and Chase share three little words many of us use everyday, but perhaps we should use these three words with caution. In this episode you will hear how you can approach conversations with more intent that ultimately results in deeper conversation and connection. Small talk ... big impact. 


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Feb 14, 2023

Michelle and Chase use Michael Bungay Stanier's book, How to Begin: Start Doing Something That Matters, as a reflection on starting the Career Dreams Podcast as they hit the 50th episode milestone. Michael's book offers a powerful process in nine steps to help people find their Worthy Goal, commit, and cross...

Feb 7, 2023

Michelle and Chase talk about how we approach life and work with two different mindsets - either with a fixed or growth mindset. In a Tale of Two Mindsets there are five key areas the duo explores that relate to having a fixed mindset versus a growth mindset. You will hear several benefits of approaching life,...